
Eagle River Child Photography | Baby "P" Cake Smash

My resolution for the new year is to keep up with my blog. I'm terrible about writing about my sessions, so here goes! 2017, I'm coming at you. With a blog.

This is one of my last sessions of 2016. And my first ever cake smash. I was so ridiculously excited to do this, and then baby's awesome mom chose one of my favorite color combinations (blue and lime), and I could barely wait to see the whole thing set up and ready. 

I learned a few things from this session (ALWAYS get extra balloons for example), but mostly what I discovered is that cake smashes are SO MUCH FUN. We started off with some "clean" shots, went to the cake smash, and then finished off getting clean in my little bathtub (bucket ;)). Mom and Dad were in from Florida for the holidays and I almost asked if they had room in their suitcases for me, but managed to hold back.

I don't even need to tell you, because you'll see from the pictures, but little man was SO adorable. And every time he caught sight of his dad, he absolutely lit up. So sweet. 

Baby "P" Cake Smash!