
Anchorage Maternity Photographer | "T" Maternity

It has been a busy BUSY fall! Along with my oldest kiddo starting kindergarten, my 3 year old has started preschool this year! Needless to say, adjusting to 2 different school schedules has been much different from our relaxed summer where we had little to no schedule. 

But let's talk about this summer. If you live in Alaska, I bet right now you're wondering if we had a summer, and I'm right there with you. It seemed like it rained. so. much. Which means that sessions had to be rescheduled, but where do you reschedule to when there is nothing but rain into the end of forever? So this session fell on one of those days that was questionable. It miiiiight rain, but it might just stay cloudy, in which case I'm totally fine to come out and do a session, but a wet session is fun for nobody. So we head out to do our session, and I'm feeling iffy about the weather. We get there, and the SUN COMES OUT. Right at the perfect time to give us a little hint of warmth and sunlight, and I kid you not, as soon as I got back in my car after we were finished and got on the highway, it started pouring. 

I'm in love with this session, the light, the dress (thank you Sew Trendy Accessories for these gorgeous dresses that make my maternity clients feel so beautiful!), the gorgeous client, and her handsome husband.

"T" Maternity
