
Anchorage Senior Photographer | "H" Senior

You guys, I love senior sessions. All my seniors are good looking, relaxed kids that are NOT AT ALL awkward. Seriously, was I the only one?

I'm a firm believer that you can find beauty in the simplest places. So when we decided to do this senior session at one of my most loved spots, I realized that as much as I love this place, we needed some fresh new spots and backgrounds. We managed to find it in this simple tall field of weeds. 

So let's talk about this first picture. This was taken in one of those spots that if you looked at it, it didn't look like much, but when you put this gorgeous girl into it, it came to life. I pulled this photo up on my computer to edit it, and my husband, who never gives me much more than a "Good job!", was looking over my shoulder, gasped and said "Whoa, thats a really good picture". So I knew I had a special one. After posting it on my instagram and Facebook pages, this photo was featured as one of The Snap Society's Daily Faves, and let me tell you, I've been trying to get on there since I found that hashtag. So exciting!

"H" Senior, Class of 2018!
